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Robby Booth: Well, thanks for joining us for Glytec’s first ever partner award ceremony. My name is Robby Booth. I’m the founder and chief strategy officer at Glytec, and I’m joined here by my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Jordan Messler.

Jordan Messler: Yes. Thanks, Robby. I’m excited to be here with you.

Robby Booth: All right, well, before we get started with the awards, let’s take a quick second to recap today.

We had some really fantastic presentations, and I know I had a favorite, but Jordan, I’ll let you go first. What were your thoughts about today’s sessions?

Jordan Messler: Yeah, it really was a fantastic day full of some phenomenal sessions. I thought the session by Dr. Drincic on overcoming clinical inertia was fascinating.

Really loved how Hannah Day, our VP of clinical practice, was able to point out how Glucommander is purpose built to overcome those barriers.

Robby Booth: Yeah, I thought Hannah and Dr. Drincic both had exceptional presentations and it’s hard to pick a favorite, but I’ll say the one that jumped out to me was the session that you did with Dr. Maynard on CMS.

I thought it was insightful, timely, and, you know, could be a real wake up call for some hospital executives who maybe haven’t been able to keep up with all of the latest developments at CMS and where all these things are headed. Because as Dr. Maynard said, it’s not a matter of if, but when, and we know that this change does take time.

Jordan Messler: Yeah, I agree. I really also love being able to feature our clinical project leaders and their myth busting session alongside such incredible key opinion leaders in the field.

Robby Booth: Yeah, I agree. I enjoyed the myth busting session. Well, safe to say it was a, it was a full day of learning. And we’re fortunate, of course, to be surrounded by incredible colleagues and partners, and really looking forward to tomorrow’s agenda.

Robby Booth: So, speaking of impressive, and the reason that we’re all here is to recognize some of our extraordinary customer partners who have been uniting around patient safety and inpatient glycemic management. We started this journey at Glytec nearly 18 years ago, and it’s been incredible to see our community of users.

And how that’s grown, the millions of patients that we’ve touched over the years. And some of our customer partners really stand out both at the institution level, as well as the individual level. And so we’re going to recognize a few of those today. First up, we are honored to present Kettering Health with our Optimization Award.

You’re going to hear about this tomorrow from one of their chief nursing officers. But Kettering is a multi hospital system in Ohio. They implemented Glucommander IV in 2021. They went live with Glucommander SubQ last year across the system. And as part of that transition, they encountered some change management hurdles.

Kettering leadership identified some opportunities for improvement when it came to utilization and they tackled those head on. They took a systematic approach addressing Glucommander SubQ utilization using their GlucoMetrics data to help drive adoption and they have engaged every discipline that plays a role in glycemic management.

Over the past nine months, they have consistently increased SubQ utilization and have seen extremely positive glycemic outcomes for their patients treated with Glucommander. So once again, congratulations to Kettering Health. Next up, we’d like to present Meritus Health with our Outcomes Award. Meritus has actually been a Glytec customer for over a decade.

So they started out with our first generation product and have been with us over the years as our company and product have evolved. Remarkably, Meritus had zero episodes of severe hypoglycemia in their patients that were treated with Glucommander IV in the last year. They’re less than 70 is 2.2 percent of patient days.

And that puts them squarely in our top performing quartile. So, congratulations to Meritus. And then finally, we’d like to present AdventHealth with our Standardization Award. AdventHealth is a multi state hospital system spanning 19 states and over 50 facilities. They have highly engaged corporate glycemic collaborative that is rep representation from each of their hospital facilities.

They’ve worked very hard on ensuring that their sites have implemented standardized best practices for glycemic management. And that also includes a subcommittee that’s dedicated exclusively to Glucommander. We also want to call out specifically to Dr. Yerso for his leadership in promoting the use of Glucommander as the standard of care for IV insulin across the entire hospital system.

So once again, congratulations to ADVENT Health. And now with that, I’ll turn it over to Dr. Messler who will present the individual awards.

Jordan Messler: Great. Thanks so much, Robby. Really proud to be able to honor three incredible organizations. And now for the individual awards. For our first individual champion, the award goes to Marie Osborne, the Program Manager at SUNY Upstate Glucommander SubQ Expansion Project who has been instrumental in facilitating and breaking down any barriers.

Marie was always willing to go above and beyond to help anyone in the project. For instance, she assisted in the many extra testing needed to improve the user experience for nurses accessing Glucommander. She was in the weeds helping with education throughout the system and rounded during the goal lives with Glytec staff.

She became a Glucommander expert and an honorary clinician. Our Glytec Program Manager, Johan, mentions that Marie not only talks the talk, but she walks the walk. For all these reasons and more, we are proud to award Marie with the Glytec Collaborator Award. Our next award goes to Christina Averbeck from Sarasota Memorial Healthcare System in Sarasota, Florida.

An inpatient diabetes educator since 2019, Christina has been Sarasota Memorial’s inpatient diabetes care and education specialist. She is a staunch supporter of inpatient glycemic management and spearheaded the implementation and rollout of Glucommander at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. She drives the glycemic management initiatives and is a true glycemic champion.

I’ve walked the halls of Sarasota Memorial with her during Glucommander Go-Live and subsequent site visits. and can personally attest to her dedication, professionalism, and thoughtfulness. She calmly, cordially, and thoughtfully implements solutions and strategies for physicians and nursing staff to comply with best practices while encouraging everyone to perform their best.

She exemplifies everything that she wants her teams to strive for. For all these reasons, her kindness, professionalism, collaboration, and more, we are proud to award Christina Avrabek with the Glytec Thoughtfulness Award. And for our final Individual Champion Award, we are honored to recognize Barbara McLean, Intensive Care Clinical Nurse Specialist at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.

Barbara McLean is a fierce advocate for critical care education at our hospital, nationally, and internationally. The phrase we frequently hear at hospitals and at Glytec is everybody loves Barbara. At Grady Memorial Hospital in downtown Atlanta, Barbara has taught hundreds of providers, nurses, and pharmacists how to achieve glycemic control safely in critical care areas with Glucommander IV.

I’ve been in the classroom with Barbara teaching, on the units with her when she’s mentoring, and on Zoom when she’s advocating for her patients, her nurses, and her hospital. She has partnered with Glytec as a speaker, has served as a reference for numerous health care systems, and has participated in Glucommander research studies driving best practices.

At Glytec, Barbara is a legend. We love her expertise, her wit, her passion, and her grit. Most importantly, we are grateful for all that she has done to support our customers and the patients that we serve. We are excited and humbled to present to Barbara the Friend of Glytec Award. Join me in congratulating all six of our award winners.

These individuals and health systems embody the Glytec mission of prioritizing patient safety and making Glucommander the standard of care. We are humbled to consider them our partners. With that, the first day of Time to Target is concluded. We invite you to join us back here tomorrow for another great day of content.

Starting for customers with an exclusive data and analytics session at 12 p.m. Eastern, and then onto the main stage for all attendees at one o’clock. The agenda is packed full of informative and enlightening sessions, and you won’t want to miss a minute. Of course, all sessions, including today’s will be available on demand at the conclusion of the event.

Thank you again from Robby and myself. Have a wonderful evening. See you tomorrow.

SOP #34

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